湘南貿易のインターン生インタビュー:Mariana Akemy Aoyama Palaciosさん

湘南貿易のインターン生インタビュー:Mariana Akemy Aoyama Palaciosさん

Mariana Akemy Aoyama Palaciosさん


―――まずはご自身のことを教えてください。First, tell me about you (native country, age and present job)

Akemy:初めまして、Mariana Akemy Aoyama Palaciosです。私はメキシコ出身の23歳で、ベラクルスの大学の国際ビジネス学部でビジネスを勉強しています。人生の中で今の時期は、自分の内面を磨きキャリアの面で成長する機会を探していく時間にしたいと思っています。

Hello, my name is Mariana Akemy Aoyama Palacios, I’m from Mexico, I’m 23 years old and I’m finishing my degree on International Business Administration in the University of Veracruz. At this moment of my life I’m looking for new opportunities of learning for the constant personal and profesionally growing, For me, travelling, know new cultures, people, places, habits and traditions is a grateful experience and without doubt I think my intership in ELEMA will be wonderful, this has been one of the best opportunities for my professional career and I’m prepared to learn the most I can from this.

―――いつからいつまでエレマでインターンする予定ですか?When will you join the internship with Elema? (start and finish)

I will start on November 1st and end in the last days of December (not sure though).

―――インターン先の企業としてエレマを選んだのはなぜですか?Why did you choose Elema for your internship?

I did choose ELEMA because of the kind of company they are, its field of work is innovative and creates a direct positive impact on the care of the environment through plastic recycling. For me, a company that cares and takes actions about the environment is a company worthy of admiration, because in these times this is what the actual world needs: sustainable business.

―――エレマではどんな仕事をする予定ですか?What will you do at Elema as a job?

I will be writing articles about environmental problems that my country (Mexico) is facing, including economic and social issues, also environmental news about emergent technologies, innovations and events concerning environment.

―――インターンシップを通じて何を得たいですか?What do you want to acquire through the internship?


First of all learn about the innovative machinery that ELEMA manufactures and know about the company in general, how it works and how they’ve been developing environmental business over time, learn about the different plastic recycling processes and the benefit it provides to the environment. Also learn from the interaction in a Japanese work environment and know their manners. The japanese culture in waste management and environmental issues is something that really impress me and I need to take that culture to Mexico to show that environmental issues are not that difficult to improve if we change our waste culture and habits.

―――Akemyさんが特に興味を持っている環境問題・分野を教えてください。What is the environmental problem that you’re interested in?


I’m interested in environmental issues about water and air pollution, but something I find alarming is the waste management methods, mostly because this is a problem that Mexico has been presenting since years ago and requires immediate attention.

―――Akemyさんありがとうございました。インターンこれから楽しんで頑張ってください!Thank you for your cooperating! Enjoy and do your best in the internship.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity for introducing me to yourselves!


* (公開されません)