Mexico City:The second city in the world that generates more waste.
メキシコシティは世界で最も人口が多い街の一つですが、“Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS)”という雑誌に掲載されていた調査報告によると、ニューヨークシティに次いで多くの固形廃棄物を生み出す街でもあります。
Mexico City, also one of the most populated cities in the world; it’s also one that generates more solid waste worldwide, just after New York City, according to an investigation from the magazine Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
According to this report, the inhabitants of Mexico City dispose around 12 million tons of garbage each year, while New York almost triplicates this number with around 33 million tons during the same amount of time. To consider more factors, New York has around 19 million of inhabitants while Mexico City has only 9 million, without considering the Metropolitan zone from the Mexico Valley
SEDEMAによると、メキシコシティには8つの堆肥化施設があり、そこで有機廃棄物を処理していますが、最終廃棄物を廃棄する場所がないためLa Cañada, Cuatitlan, El Milagroのような首都の周辺の地域(メキシコ州)に固形廃棄物を放棄せざるをえないようです。
The Secretary of Environment (SEDEMA) says that Mexico City have 8 composting plants, place where they put the organic waste but also they don’t have a final location to dispose the final waste so they’re putting the solid waste in places like La Cañada, Cuatitlan and El Milagro, located in the State of Mexico (state that surrounds Mexico City) and the state of Morelos
Of course there’s a necessity from the government to implement more aggressive policies in matter or collecting, treatment and recycling of some waste because until now no action has been taken, also the State of Mexico it’s concerned because all the waste from Mexico City it’s being disposed there, representing a danger to their environment. Mexico City has around 2,500 collecting trucks and 200 of them are going to the State of Mexico to dispose of the waste there. The efforts for collection, treatment, disposal and recycling are almost inexistent because there are no public politics regulating this.